Welcome to our Ministries page! Below you will find a list of our ministries along with their descriptions. For more information about our ministries, please call our office at (510) 444-6162 or email us at taylorumc@gmail.com.

Communion Stewards & Communion Shares ~ Chairperson, Janice Roberts

The UMC recognizes two sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Communion is the preparation and serving of a meal of bread and wine, elements representing the body of Christ. The communion stewards prepare the elements, dress the altar, and assist the clergy in serving communion. For a rewarding faith journey, we invite adult men, women, and youth (ages 16-18) to join the communion steward ministry.


The Music & Choir Ministry welcomes those who enjoy praising God through song. Taylor offers many opportunities to worship in song, regardless of previous musical experience. This ministry is composed of the Taylor Anointed Praise (TAP) Choir. Our Music & Choir Ministry has gone outside of Taylor’s walls and into other churches beyond the Methodist denomination. Also, the choirs have been blessed to perform on larger platforms, such as at the Oracle Arena-ministering during games for NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, and the Harlem Globetrotters. In 2018, the choirs sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “The Negro National Anthem” (Lift Up Your Voice and sing), as the kick-off for the Warriors’ Black History Month Celebration.

Nurture & Outreach ~ Chairperson, Homerzell Swisher-Harris

The Nurture & Outreach Ministry extends a personal touch to the members of the church who are confined to their homes or to care facilities. The ministry is an effort to keep those members involved who can't make it to services or activities. Generally, this ministry team visits or provides phone calls to members every Tuesday to uplift them with prayer, song, and conversation. In addition to these efforts, the names of confined members are published in church programs with instructions that anyone who wishes to reach out the sick and shut-in get contact info from the church office. Other ministries contribute as well, to provide materials to these members.

United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women is a supportive, inclusive Christian membership organization where women grow spiritually; develop as leaders; and serve and work to create a world in which all women, children and youth thrive. United Methodist Women is celebrated as the women’s ministry of The United Methodist Church. Our members nurture one another through fellowship and support projects within the U.S. and internationally. Our mission is to improve the lives of women, children, and youth through a combination of prayers, volunteer work, advocacy efforts and financial gifts. Some of the activities of this ministry include Bible studies and spiritual retreats; Hands-on mission in local communities; Mission education experiences; Leadership development and training opportunities; and Advocacy for social justice issues, including those pertaining to the environment, domestic violence, immigration and the many other concerns that impact the lives of women, children, and youth.

Women's Bible Study ~ Facilitators: Bettye Aikens and Barbara H. Johnson

The group was designed to be small, around 8-12 women, who wanted to grow spiritually. These women would commit to daily prayer and reading from several translations of the Bible and other pre-selected books, as well as meeting weekly to share experiences and discuss. The group aims to help women:

  • - Get to know God better. This is about understanding the nature, functions, and relationships of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).
  • - Experience God more deeply. This is about feeling the love, security, peace, and joy that we read and sing about, and becoming aware of God's presence in our day-to-day lives.
  • - Love God and each other more. This is about trusting, obeying, and worshiping God, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, and sharing and supporting each other's burdens.


Sessions: Wednesday 3:00-4:15 p.m.

United Methodist Men

From Old Testament times to today, men gather to discuss their faith journeys and find meaning, hope and healing. Small-group ministry was an essential element of the Wesleyan movement in England and in “the Colonies.” Men’s ministry at a local church level was formally endorsed in the 1908 General Conference. With the introduction of the General Commission on United Methodist Men in 1996, the United Methodist Men became a separate agency of the UMC. The United Methodist Men’s ministry program is nationally recognized as the largest and most organized in the U.S. The purpose of the United Methodist Men is to declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s life. This is expressed as all men engage in daily Bible study, witness to Christ in daily work and relationships, and perform intentional Christian service to others. We want men to know Christ so others may know Christ. In fact, the mission statement of the United Methodist Men is, “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

Ushers ~ Chairperson, Ollie Brown

“Our mission is to see that the sanctuary is in order for each service and to assist worshippers as required. An usher should cover all doors before service starts. The usher helps the pastor to make the service a success by putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to receive the message. The ushers meet and greet worshippers as they enter the sanctuary; assist them with seating in the sanctuary; pass out programs; take collections; keep the worship service in order throughout the service; and attend other churches when our pastor is the guest speaker or when called upon to serve as needed.

Taylor Ushers have Annual Ushers Day each year every 4th Sunday of September and celebration is during our worship service at 10:00 a.m.

"Psalm 84:10 (KJV) “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand, I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

Sound Technician ~ Pamela Pree

· Prepare soundboards and equipment and maintain the quality of sound throughout service/performance.
· Set up microphones on performers and in various places.
· Set sound levels and make sure equipment is functioning correctly.
· Run sound checks.