Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church is a historically Black, ethnically diverse Christian Church that has been serving Oakland, California, since 1921. Taylor has a rich history of community involvement and outreach. Getting the mission and message of God beyond the walls of the church is extremely important to the members. Part of that outreach is to nurture the body, as well as the soul, by distributing boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken, milk and much more every Wednesday from 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Regular programming also includes the Wednesday Women’s Bible study and Pastor’s Bible class. Furthermore, the church is also part of the California-Nevada Annual Conference.

Mission Statement

We are a covenant community bound together with each other as followers of Jesus, to gather faithfully in worship of God who gives us life, and to translate the words of faith into mercy. Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church practices what we preach by getting God's work beyond the walls of the church and into the community. We do this by extending mercy and helping to provide practical nourishment to the body as well as to the soul.

Rev. Carol Estes